“I think it was late 1999 after I had my first child when I first got the idea,” said Krammel, a former makeup artist. “I was using baby barretters to secure my bra straps. By the time I had my second child in 2004, I had gotten a patent…. “We launched the website in mid-April[2009]. In May, we knew it was going to work because they started flying off the shelves at Alene Too. In July, we were in Body magazine.”
A new FDA approved and patented solution to keeping stubborn bra straps in place has recently the market at a retail price of $14.95. Developed by Mandy Krammel, a former aesthetician and make-up artist, Tweakerz promises to provide lift and support, hide bra straps and create cleavage in a comfortable way.
Our mothers have been telling us this advice for years, but here it is ladies: a great fitting bra is the best accessory, a must-have item and the foundation upon which all great outfits are built.